With Jo Ann Caplin

About Me

i'm Professor Jo Ann Caplin

Caplin Science & Art Talks©.

Welcome to the Science+Art Lectures with Professor Jo Ann Caplin.
You will find links to live or video lectures about the relationships between science and art on this site, as well as detailed lectures
about certain artists or one of their works.

About Me

I'm Jo Ann Caplin

For 25 years I have been studying and teaching the relationships between science and art. Although both have always been my interests, it was when I left my Emmy-winning career as a network news producer to become a professor, that I was able to dive more into these fields and how they relate.

The Relationships Between
Science & Art

Although when people still say to me, “I don’t get it, what do they have in common?” If you believe that art is intuitive and emotional, and that science is technical and logical, we are reminded that making art itself can be complicated and technical, and that the best of the scientists are intuitive.

From the CERN Collider

The Talks


Do you know the secret of Mona Lisa’s smile? Did you know that when Newton discovered how the prism broke up light into various colors, Vermeer, too, was studying light in his paintings? Do you know when it comes to vision, what you see first? Do you know why we often think of science and art as two different areas of study? This talk takes you from the 14th century to today, as we explore how science and art depend on each other in terms of paint itself, light, mathematics, physics, and brain science.

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